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Sobre nosotros
I have presented to audiences nationwide, including at my alma mater, Community College of Philadelphia, and Stayer University. I have also spoken before groups of recovering people in rehab and mental health facilities, where I have shared my story of deliverance and recovery from substance abuse and mental illness. In addition, I have done book signings, including at the Free Library of Philadelphia.
I became addicted to crack cocaine and alcohol when I was thirty-five. It would take me nearly twenty years until I kicked cocaine and alcohol for good. Today, I have been clean from drugs and alcohol for over thirty years.
​ An authentic voice, I speak to people losing faith and hope, believing that life has lost all meaning. I am the voice of people trapped in mental illness and drug addiction. My journey through life has taken me through battling drug addiction, racism, and discrimination.
I speak to the steps I have taken to recovery and how I have managed co-occurring disorders, how I have dealt with cravings, stress, and anxiety, and how I have repaired meaningful relationships while maintaining my recovery for thirty years.
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